Health & Happiness
Share on facebook Share on twitter Share on linkedin Share on email Health & Happiness Evidence is growing that the connection between mind and body is real, leading to well-being…
Share on facebook Share on twitter Share on linkedin Share on email Health & Happiness Evidence is growing that the connection between mind and body is real, leading to well-being…
MAC Doctors Helped Get Prescription Drugs Out of Medicine Cabinets MAC doctors helped get prescription drugs out of Michigan homes during Take Back Day held on Saturday, April 28.Participating Doctors’ photo posts…
MAC and US Attorney Featured in June Broadcast In June the MAC will be featured in a news broadcast with the newly appointed U.S. Attorney. Among the Eastern District, U.S. Attorney Matthew Schneider has…
Worried About Prescription Opioids, You Should Be Really Scared of Synthetic Opioids Karen Kaplan, Los Angeles Times May 1st 2018 If you’re worried about prescription opioids, you should be really…
Back Pain Prevention You may be able to avoid back pain or prevent its recurrence by improving your physical condition and learning and practicing proper body mechanics.To keep your back…